ACTING CHAIR -Preston de Mendonca
VICE CHAIR – Julia Bertram
These Working Parties meet as required to explore options and present them to the Parish Council for a decision.
Finance: Cllrs L Osman, C Smith and clerk
Works: Cllrs C Munford, P de Mendonca and clerk
Highways: Cllrs L Osman and P de Mendonca
Grants: Cllr C Smith and clerk
The following Representatives were unanimously agreed:
Dartmoor National Park: Cllr S Tyers
Ivybridge and District Association of Local Councils: Cllr L Osman
Village Hall Committee: Cllr Julia Bertram
Parish Magazine: Cllr C Smith
Hemerdon Mine Liaison Group: Cllr Julia Bertram
Yonge Charity: Cllr C Smith
Rooke Charity: Cllr S Tyers
Cornwood Show: Cllr L Osman
Office Police Crime Commissioner liaison: Cllr C Smith
4 Rivers Dementia Alliance: Cllr S Tyers
Cornwood Inn Action Group: Cllr S Tyers