Remember the coronavirus vaccination is free to all - the NHS will not ask you to pay for it. If anyone contacts you requesting money in return for the vaccination, please report it to the police by calling 101
The Parish Council had an emergency meeting on 17 March 2020 to determine how to support sick, vulnerable and self-isolating people in our community if they have no-one else to turn to during the Coronavirus (COVID 19) outbreak. Many people in the parish already have networks of family, friends and neighbours who help them, however, people who don’t have a local network may need help so we have set-up ‘Good Neighbour Groups’. This scheme is recommended by the Neighbourhood Watch organisation and has been shared with our local policing team. Each road or area in the Parish has one or two people who are willing to shop, collect prescriptions and offer support as needed. The volunteers have made contact with their Good Neighbour Group to provide their contact details but it you are not sure who the volunteer is for your road please get in touch with Christine Smith for Lutton or Preston de Mendonca for Cornwood.
If you need medical advice please contact NHS 111 and in an emergency always call 999.
Shopping: If you have to self-isolate; there are several ways to get food delivered to your doorstep (this is the best information we have at time of writing):
Online shopping. The major supermarkets are now better organised to serve the massive increase in online food shopping so the availability of delivery slots and food choice has improved.
By phone. If you cannot order food using the internet, here are some options for ordering by phone: Sainsburys for full supermarket shop 0800 917 85557 Monday-Friday 9-5pm; Wiltshire Fresh Foods for frozen meals 0800 077 3100; Oakhouse Foods for frozen meals 0333 370 2514; Cornwood Village Store for essentials and treats 01752 878885
If you cannot use any of these options or need other help, then it’s time to call your Good Neighbour Group contact
Remember that you can get cash from the Cornwood Post Office.
Sources of Information
There are many instances of fake news winging their way around social media; email and even newspapers. They often refer to a sister who is a nurse in the NHS or a doctor friend and give advice on how to check if you have Coronavirus (COVID 19) or even how to cure the virus. Recently new scams have emerged where people are contacted offering the COVID 19 vaccine in exchange for money. Please treat any such information with healthy scepticism and do not pass it on until you have double-checked the source. Trusted sources include:
NHS 111 to check coronavirus symptoms and advice on what to do if you have
Public Health England for latest information about the virus
Devon County Council for the latest information on schools; help for businesses; care home advice and transport
Please be a Good Neighbour - this is, without doubt, an uncertain time for us all. We have the advantage of living in a fantastic community that has always provided amazing support to people who most need it. By being good neighbours we can make sure that no one in our parish goes without life’s essentials. Stay safe everyone.
From Cornwood & Lutton Parish Council
Christine Smith
Tel: 07974 812657
Preston de Mendonca
Tel: 07778 878817/ 01752 837657